The Agenzia Lavoro & SviluppoImpresa was instituted with Article 15 of the regional law of 28th December 2018, no. 29 (2019 Stability Law), which introduced Chapter VIII bis of the regional law of 4th June 2009, no. 11 (Urgent measures regarding regional economic development, income support for workers and families, and acceleration of public works).
It is a non-economic functional public body of the Region, having legal status under public law, endowed with managerial, patrimonial, organisational, accounting and financial autonomy, subject to the supervision and control of the Region.
The Agency may make use of a Scientific Committee, which provides strategic consultation and support for activities to promote the economic and employment development of the region. The executive organs of the Agency are:
• - The Director General
• - The Sole Auditor
The Agency may make use of a Scientific Committee, which provides strategic consultation and support for activities to promote the economic and employment development of the region.