Studies and research

Agency, laboratory of ideas

The Agenzia Lavoro & SviluppoImpresa is a laboratory of ideas. Created to act as a link between the needs of the productive and entrepreneurial sector and the activities of public and private entities in respect to productive activities and labour policies, the Agency contributes, with its activities, to making regional public policies in favour of companies and of the world of work even more effective and responsive to the needs of the territory.

Within the areas identified by the Region, it provides studies, research, data, analysis, monitoring, proposals for incentive tools, and support for the elaboration of strategic and regulatory documents.

The agency gathers ideas and suggestions from the community, and its laboratory welcomes proposals and topics with interest, seeking to provide a public consulting service that is in step with the times and, where possible, looks further ahead.

Transparent Administration

Documents and information for a transparent administration.

See the documentation (IT)