The strategic lines
• Attracting investments to strengthen regional productive sectors
With this action, the Agency has set itself the objective of increasing the visibility of Friuli Venezia Giulia, contribute to improving the connections between businesses, and attract new investments.
• Disseminate and accompany
With this line, the Agency aims to disseminate regional opportunities and make them more accessible, and support companies in projects to develop their activities as well as in the various procedures provided for in the legislation of the sector, streamlining and simplifying their use.
• Innovating with digitisation
The Agenzia Lavoro & SviluppoImpresa encourages digital innovation and contributes to the dissemination of the culture of digitisation by supporting the initiatives promoted by the Region in close collaboration with all the actors in the regional system.
• Supporting regional policies for work and productive activities
In the areas identified by the Region, the Agency provides studies, research, data, analysis, monitoring, proposals for incentive instruments, and support for the elaboration of strategic and regulatory documents in order to help link the needs of the productive and entrepreneurial sector and the activities of public and private entities competent in the field of productive activities and labour policies.