S3-Entrepreneurial discovery process

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S3: Coordinate the entrepreneurial discovery process

The Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3): what is it?
 Smart, Specialisation, and Strategy are the three S’s that define the smart specialisation strategy, the instrument, developed at a European level, to support the regions in the application and utilisation of strategies to support research and innovation.

Among the principal objectives of the strategy are:

- identify and enhance the areas of regional productive and technological excellence;

- define the priorities for investment and encourage a more efficient utilisation of European funds to support research and innovation

- elaborate a shared strategic vision.

In view of the next cycle of Community programming for 2021-2027, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region is updating its own smart specialisation strategy to identify the competitive advantages and technological specialisations most consistent with its potential for innovation, and to harmonise the public and private investments in support of the strategy.

Opportunities and advantages for enterprises and citizens
The S3 represents an important opportunity for enterprises, citizens, and the entire territory as it defines the trajectories of regional technological development and the future priorities of investment aimed at pursuing the objectives of the community planning for 2021-2027:

- strengthen the capacities of research and innovation and the introduction of advanced technologies;

- reap the benefits of digitisation; - strengthen the growth and competitiveness of SMEs

- develop the competences for smart specialisation, industrial transition, and entrepreneurship.

Process of entrepreneurial discovery
 The Friuli Venezia Giulia Region defines and updates its S3 Strategy starting off from a bottom-up entrepreneurial discovery process (Entrepreneurial Discovery Process - EDP), an interactive and inclusive dialogue based on listening and discussion with the key players from the world of business, research, civil society, and institutions, the so-called Quadruple Helix. The process is coordinated by the Agenzia Lavoro & SviluppoImpresa and is aimed at updating the regional areas of specialisation and the underlying trajectories of technological development in view of the start of the 2021-2027 community programming.

The Agenzia Lavoro & SviluppoImpresa, the operative arm of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, emanating from the Department of Labour, Training, Education, Research, University, and Family, and the Department of Production and Tourism, makes use of the experience acquired by the entities managing the regional Clusters and the research field in relation to the working groups dedicated to the areas of specialisation 2014-2020, and the scientific support of the Area Science Park, in the implementation of the framework agreement between the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Area Science Park to support the revision and updating of regional policies for innovation.

The Working Groups
In the process of entrepreneurial discovery, the Working Groups represent a fundamental instrument of participation for analysing and discussing the needs of the territory.

The Groups are composed of a narrow and specialised representation from the world of business, research, associations, and institutions and formulate proposals for new trajectories of development or for updating existing trajectories. There are eight groups, each with its own theme of work:

1. Smart factory - coordinated by COMET, the Cluster for metalworking FVG
2. Agrifood and bioeconomy - coordinated by the FVG Agrifood & Bioeconomy Cluster Agency
3. Blue growth, logistics and sustainable mobility - coordinated by the Maritime Technology Cluster FVG
4. Health - coordinated by the Cluster Smart Health FVG-CBM
5. Technologies for living environments, design, and made in Italy - coordinated by the Green Cluster for Wood Home Furniture FVG
6. Environment and energy (sustainability, climate adaptation) - coordinated by ARPA FVG and APE FVG
7. Culture and creativity - coordinated by the Cluster for Culture and Creativity
8. Tourism - coordinated by the Central Directorate for Productive Activities

For further information:

 The research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation (version compliant with DGR 2200/2019)

 The research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation

> Go to the dedicated page of the Region’s website and discover the evolution of the regional S3

> Go to the website of Area Science Park

For further information
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